język polskijęzyk angielski

Stephanie Moles killed her husband this morning and then she sawed off his right hand

Female cast
Male cast
Original language of the play
monodrama, dark comedy; second prize at the 9th National Review of the Modern Monodrama in 2011
Original title
Stephanie Moles dziś rano zabiła swojego męża, a potem odpiłowała mu prawą dłoń

It would seem that it is a day like any other in a decent bourgeois house, but it happened just as the title says. After killing her husband, Stephanie sawed off his hand with a bread knife. One would think that the cruel Stephanie is finally free, happy and filled with love for the world around her. She puts away in the fridge the things she no longer wants to have anything to do with. All she has to do is get rid of the stains, which is helped by a stain remover and a number of fabric softeners. The narrative reveals her motives - she loved her husband, but he cheated on her. Suddenly her whole world was taken from her, as well as the happiness that she experienced and which defined her. As the monodrama director, Kuba Kowalski, says: "A story about a modern family and forbidden love that leads to murder. Stephanie Moles is a crime story in which we learn step by step 'who killed'. On the other hand, it is a melodrama, dealing with the subject of sick relationships in an average family from a big city. It is also a journey through conventions - the tragedy is interrupted by black humour, the psychodrama turns into a slapstick comedy. This crime story with a twist or noir comedy has an almost novel-like narrative - a part of the text is told in the third person and a part in the first, with an appearance of Matilda, the daughter's point of view as well.

(source: teatrdramatyczny.pl).