język polskijęzyk angielski

The autopsy

Original language of the play
Original title
Sekcja Z.

or: "The Renunciation”

A drama HE - around 30, SHE- his reflection, voices

The author offers his audience a psychological portrait of a modern individual at the age of 30. As this is the age of looking back at one’s life to review what has been done, the main character tries to do it honestly. His story reflects the drama shared by the generation of his contemporaries who happen to live in Poland in the transformation era. 


The Autopsy takes place in a room that is a combination of a morgue and a bathroom. A half open confession of the main character is counter-pointed by his partner’s remarks. Being his alter ego, she reflects like a mirror his life story. But their past and present are not the same. She is a practical individual who was able to settle conveniently in life. Pushing her partner to secure a future for their child, to get a better paid job or a better position in the society she didn’t even realize the exorbitant cost he had to pay to fulfil her wishes. Frustrated and disappointed he had taken to alcohol and drugs. Once he used to be interested in philosophy, wanted to continue his studies, to devote his free time to some contemplation. Now there is no leisure, no freedom; everyday is a day of a slavish work for the family. He blames his woman and the society for his unhappiness, his not being able to spread his wings; he is against creating the world of growing demands towards the individual, glorifying the importance of pop stars, a celebrity chef, a stockbroker. No promotion of spiritual values, only tough materialism. How far is HE able to go in his involuntary renunciation?